Friday, 30 January 2009



Born in 1958 Jacob won his first art competition at the age of six. Other childhood art prizes were to follow, including several in his teenage years and a national art students painting prize while he was at college.

He lived in Dereham and attended Art School in Norwich where he learned Silk Screen and other forms of printing.

During the late seventies and early eighties the skills in printmaking that he acquired at art school led him to London where he worked in Silk Screen printing and in the evenings began to paint as a hobby but sold his works to friends and family.

In 1995 he held his only ever one man exhibition at Impton Studios, an Art Gallery in London where thirty of his paintings were sold. Today the Impton Studios Gallery sells his works exclusively in the U.K. and through alia669 on eBay.

In 1996 he moved to Holland and joined an art studio and now paints full time specializing in mainly Equine commissions and Country Sports.


  1. hello:
    are you still doing hunt scenes,
    i have two of yours and would like to add one or two more.
